Women in Business
Thursday, Sep 17, 2020 From 12:00 to 17:00
Pšeničná 10
Opportunities and Challenges Arising After the Pandemic
You can read the Press Release from the event here.
12:00 Registration
12:30 Welcome
Ronald Blaško, Executive Director, AmCham Slovakia
12:40 Panel
Discussion #1 (public)
Are women and men
affected differently during the pandemic in social, political or economic
terms, and, if so, how can we achieve fairer outcomes?
How can we
address questions of mental health and wellbeing of the most impacted groups by
this crisis – women, children and elderly?
Miriam Lexmann, Member of the European
Lucia Ďuriš
Nicholsonova, Member of the European
Franceschi, Deputy Chief of
Mission, U.S. Embassy in Bratislava
Moderator: Barbara
13:45 Coffee break
14:30 Opening
remarks: Coronavirus’
Global Impact: The Female Jobs & Growth Setback
- Pernille B. Henneberg, Economist in the Global Economics team at Citi Research
14:40 Panel
Discussion #2 (private)
In this COVID era, are companies involving
women into crisis task forces and response teams, and ensure that both women
and men are represented in COVID-related processes?
How will management strategies respond to the
need for flexibility in the context of post corona work transformation?
Michal Nebeský, Chief Executive Officer in Czech Republic
and Cluster Head for Czech Republic & Slovakia, Citi
Záhradníková, General Manager,
Adient Slovakia s.r.o.,
Stephen Caulfield, Vice President Global Field Services, Dell
Bratislava Site Leader, Dell, s.r.o.
Lucia Groneova, Head of HR Slovakia, Swiss Re
Moderator: Barbara
15:40 PwC Global Report: Women in Work Index
Katarína Šilhárová, Director, PwC Slovakia
16:45 CHAT: The
Beauty Bias
Can attractiveness bias, as a type of unfair
advantage, hold employees back from reaching their full potential and
successfully utilizing their skill set?
Are women considered more competent when
perceived as more attractive?
Mateja Čotar, General Manager Oncology & Country President, Novartis Slovakia
· Olivia Hurbanová, Founder, Olinclunsive, Lecturer of the Year 2018
Moderator: Barbara Jagušák
16:45 Networking
- Your Contact person
- Zuzana Serinová
- Policy Manager
- +421 947 949 005
- zuzana.serinova@amcham.sk

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