AmCham Slovakia

Slovakia has a unique chance to reduce the time it takes for cancer patients to move from diagnosis to treatment

The path of a cancer patient to treatment is lengthy. Innovative technologies can significantly accelerate it and Slovakia would be able to procure them thanks to the EU Recovery Fund.


The total time for which a patient, for example with lung cancer, receives treatment prescribed by a clinical oncologist will take place in Slovakia on average up to 160+ days. The longest waiting time is for a specialist to visit, on average up to 91 days. With the optimal setting of the system using digitization and AI, it would be possible to shorten this process to one third - to about 60 days. These conclusions were made at a professional webinar of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic, which tried to take a critical look at the path of an oncology patient to treatment and draw attention to few innovations in Slovak healthcare.

Innovative technologies can help with diagnostics and communication. These include personalized medicine, technologies for assessing disease-related genetic variation, telemedicine, a clinical decision support system, the Internet of Things, where common medical devices can collect invaluable data, provide additional insight into symptoms and trends, or enable remote care.

The initiative was supported by Amgen, Johnson & Johnson – Janssen division, Novartis, Microsoft, MSD and Roche.

Press Release - The path of a cancer patient to treatment

Watch the record from the event.