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- 2012: A Successful Year with AmCham Members
- Giving talent development a chance
- Emotions that help
- Investment in a new generation of entrepreneurs
- CSR and philanthropy
- Working parents
- Corporate responsibility as an answer to crisis
- Social responsibility matters!
- Donate time and talent to build something real
- CFOs swing to safe markets
- Ethics in first place
- Give yourself this Christmas
- Building an effective board in a responsible company
Corporate Responsibility & Philanthropy
2012: A Successful Year with AmCham Members
Letter to members by Jake Slegers, Executive Director of AmCham Slovakia.
Dear AmCham Members and Friends,
Many of you will probably echo my disbelief that the year 2012 is actually almost over! And what a busy year it has been! We are all sure looking forward to a well-deserved rest, and I would like to wish you very happy and peaceful Christmas and holiday season, and of course a successful new year!
Giving talent development a chance
Interview with Ladislav Chudý, Vice President Human Resources, T-Systems Slovakia
T-Systems Slovakia sees its social and environmental responsibility in a voluntary adoption of ethical standards in business, building and development of relationships with employees, protection of the environment and support of the development of the region in which it operates. Mr. Ladislav Chudý, Vice President for Human Resources at T-Systems Slovakia, introduces the company’s educational activities as a part of the overall corporate responsibility concept.
Emotions that help
Prepared by AmCham member: Children of Slovakia Foundation
Emotions are becoming increasingly more important when selling a product. Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is a marketing strategy that connects business and charity. It creates an experience of helping others when purchasing a product. The idea is that the company donates a certain percentage from the price of a product to a non-profit organization to support a charity project. This connection of business and charity benefits all those involved.
Investment in a new generation of entrepreneurs
Prepared by AmCham member: BMB Leitner
BMB Leitner and the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia (Združenie mladých podnikateľov Slovenska) have prepared a series of educational seminars entitled “BMB Leitner Academy for Young Entrepreneurs.” The aim of this project is to help improve the knowledge required of young entrepreneurs in Slovakia with respect to the legal and tax aspects of their business expansion. BMB Leitner specialists invest their professional experience in the support of young entrepreneurs.
CSR and philanthropy
Prepared by AmCham member: KPMG
Corporate responsibility is a term we encounter more and more often nowadays. However, there are still many people who are unfamiliar with it. They don’t realize that many companies are trying to make life better for those who really are in need and for many non-profit organizations. Their efforts often focus on the environment and community life issues.
Working parents
Prepared by AmCham member: Čarnogurský ULC
Changes in the Labor Code in recent years have brought significant improvements for working parents. According to the Labor Code, pregnant women and families with newborn children are considered a critical group of employees. Modern governments have made support for families a priority in their government program statements. The consequences of these government actions are reflected particularly in legal provisions related to maternity and parental leave and in giving parents the opportunity to return to employment.
Corporate responsibility as an answer to crisis
Prepared by AmCham member: Pontis Foundation
Many businesspeople ask me why their companies should act responsibly. The answer has already become automatic: Because it is good for your business.
Social responsibility matters!
Prepared by AmCham member: Lenovo Slovakia
Lenovo Slovakia is dedicated to employee satisfaction. After participating in the “Employer of Choice” competition run by AON Hewitt for the first time, we defined several areas for improvement and created a number of projects targeting employee satisfaction.
Donate time and talent to build something real
Prepared by AmCham member: Lighting Beetle
Company philanthropy should not only be about supporting charities with financial donations. It should be about putting one’s expertise to use for a good cause, donating time and talent.
CFOs swing to safe markets
Prepared by AmCham member: BDO
BDO´s annual survey of over 1000 CFOs from mid-sized companies planning foreign expansion has revealed that businesses have become more cautious. Geopolitical risks and currency fluctuations are at the top of the list of CFO investment concerns.
Ethics in first place
Prepared by AmCham member: PwC
Sometimes I hear people say that when you are a big, worldwide firm, it is much easier for such a firm to carry out a Corporate Responsibility strategy. I partially agree - but only to a certain degree. Yes, it is true that worldwide operating firms have their strategies (not only for CR) formulated by global teams on a global basis. Yet, the challenge is how to translate a defined highlevel strategy into real day-to-day business life. The success of local implementation lies in the hands of local business.
Give yourself this Christmas
Prepared by AmCham member: Pontis Foundation
If you are not one of those people who is already done with your Christmas shopping, Pontis has a good opportunity for you – a unique chance to give your loved ones an original Christmas present and fulfill your philanthropic desire to do something good for Slovakia at the same time.
Building an effective board in a responsible company
Prepared by AmCham member: Deloitte
During the recent heightened regulatory focus, companies and their boards need to think deeply about the way in which they carry out their business. It is not only about the structures and processes that they put in place, but also about the crucial role of the board in setting up the vision of the company. It should always place great emphasis on clarity of roles and responsibilities, as well as on accountability and transparency. To be able to fulfill the numerous tasks, boards need to take all necessary steps to act as effectively as possible.
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