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- A reform in the making
- Corruption – a major challenge for Slovakia
- We don’t have to accept it
- Compliance: a tool for transparency
- Changing the landscape of public procurement in Slovakia
- From the Ivory Coast to the Christmas tree: chocolate’s road to sustainability
- Non-financial CSR reporting: too much or not enough?
- Is employment of disabled people a CSR activity in Slovakia?
- When responsibility attracts talent
- Transport as an experience
- The Rule of Law initiative
- Bringing the Plavecký Castle back to life
- Štefan Kocán in Bratislava
CSR and Transparency
A reform in the making
The fall of the communist regime 25 years ago marked a historical moment
by creating conditions enabling Slovakia to become a free and
successful country. Many mistakes were made on our path to becoming a
modern and democratic state and not everything has worked out as people
had perhaps envisioned during the November 1989 demonstrations.
Nevertheless, nobody can reasonably cast any doubt on the fact that our
history over the past two and a half decades was a spectacularly
successful story.
Corruption – a major challenge for Slovakia
Corruption is a form of crime, apparently benefitting all the involved parties and harming nobody. However, the truth is in fact completely to the contrary! Ultimately, all of us – citizens and taxpayers – are negatively affected.
We don’t have to accept it
According to a recent study, almost 90% of Slovaks believe that corruption is part of their country’s business culture. Furthermore, almost 25% of Slovaks believe that corruption is unavoidable and has always existed1. Fortunately, there is a growing movement within our business community that refuses to accept the current state of affairs and is committed to take action.
Compliance: a tool for transparency
Compliance with the law is essential for every company. Transparency in business is an important attribute of a successful company and an essential criterion for its long-term success. A compliance program helps companies achieve this objective by specifying the legal and ethical obligations for conducting a transparent business.
Changing the landscape of public procurement in Slovakia
In the eyes of the business community, public procurement in Slovakia has gained a negative reputation due to numerous reported cases of corruption. A promise of change and increased transparency arrives with the introduction of a new system, the electronic marketplace. To find out more, we have approached the Interior Ministry’s Advisor for Public Procurement, Tatiana Behrová.
From the Ivory Coast to the Christmas tree: chocolate’s road to sustainability
As Christmas time is approaching, the consumption of chocolate is about to reach one of its annual peaks. In the festive season, few of us think about the origins of chocolate and how those raw, white and moist cocoa beans become our favorite dark sweet. Travelling on behalf of a client, we had the rare chance to trace chocolate back to its roots – the Ivory Coast.
Non-financial CSR reporting: too much or not enough?
In September 2014, a directive amending Directive 2013/34/EU was adopted. Its main purpose is to ensure a higher level of corporate transparency by introducing the mandatory disclosure of certain non-financial information by large undertakings and groups in the EU regarding the impacts of their activities on society. Even though the reporting will be mandatory, the real impact might be viewed as questionable.
Is employment of disabled people a CSR activity in Slovakia?
Do you enjoy good health? This can change in an instant. What would your life be like then? Besides family and friends, employment is one of the lynchpins of your life.
When responsibility attracts talent
One and three quarters of a year’s worth of voluntary work (that impressive figure corresponds to an amount of time in 2013 – almost 15,000 hours in total) that employees working at Dell in Bratislava spent away from their desks doing fieldwork as part of various voluntary activities.
Transport as an experience
You may have noticed them at AmCham’s 20th anniversary celebration or at the Thanksgiving Gala. Slick luxurious limousines parked in front of the venue, waiting to whisk leaving guests home safely in comfort and free of charge. Those who took advantage of this opportunity will remember the experience. Those who didn’t, still have a chance at least to read about the company which provided this service for AmCham members in the following interview with its founder – Andrej Boháč.
The Rule of Law initiative
AmCham’s key initiative in 2014 was focused on strengthening the rule of law in Slovakia, with the aim of making the local business environment more transparent, predictable and competitive, and to positively impact Slovakia’s image abroad. Igor Kottman, AmCham’s President, talked to us about some of the initiatives achievements and its further goals.
Bringing the Plavecký Castle back to life
It is always a sad sight to see an important part of the national heritage of a country neglected and in ruins. Unfortunately, it is not such an uncommon sight in Slovakia. This makes every initiative aiming to save a similar site for the future generations a noble act, worthy of praise and acclaim.
Štefan Kocán in Bratislava
After a year of great concert events, the Kapos agency is looking to maintain the same high level next year. The next featured star will be the famous Slovak bass, Štefan Kocán.
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