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- The Slovak EU Presidency – challenges and opportunities
- DSM – a real “gamechanger” or just another overambitious policy?
- The digital future is bright
- Energy audit in the EU: an effective tool for energy savings
- The Circular Economy Concept – what is it all about?
- The State of the Union a Year Before the Slovak Presidency
- Current challenges facing businesses across Europe
- Slovakia - honest broker or national interest defender?
- Musical gems of the winter season
- The AmCham Tax Committee
EU Affairs
The Slovak EU Presidency – challenges and opportunities
I am writing this editorial after six years spent in Brussels, serving
as Slovakia’s Ambassador to the EU. Those six years gave me a chance to
experience and observe twelve EU Member States in conducting their
respective Presidencies in the Council of the EU, and to see, among
other things, how the Presidency’s role had changed with the Lisbon
Treaty, what the Presidency should do and what should be avoided.
DSM – a real “gamechanger” or just another overambitious policy?
There is no doubt that successful implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe is going to be one of the most important and most ambitious tasks of the current European Commission. Should President Juncker’s team really manage to adopt all of the proposed 16 measures, the digital single market will generate an unprecedented amount of new digital opportunities for businesses across whole Europe.
The digital future is bright
The global economy is a digital one in which Information and Communication Technology is no longer a specific sector, but the foundation of the modern innovative economic system. It is creating new economies and efficiencies, increasing competitiveness and jobs.
Energy audit in the EU: an effective tool for energy savings
Energy audits have been present in the EU for more than two decades. In spite of their energy saving potential, only a small number of Member States had introduced binding energy audits before 2012. The new directive on energy efficiency (2012/27/EU) is aiming to change that and to make energy audits a vital part of the European market for energy services.
The Circular Economy Concept – what is it all about?
Shortly before the launch of the Circular Economy Package in 2014, former EU Commissioner Janez Potočnik described the Circular Economy concept as “the greatest innovation challenge of the coming decades”. While some stakeholders view it simply as another ambitious and costly regulation, others see it as an inevitable socio-economic shift that actually has a strong business case behind it.
The State of the Union a Year Before the Slovak Presidency
The Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union, scheduled for the second half of 2016, presents a unique opportunity to raise Slovakia’s credit abroad as well as to initiate a deeper public debate in Slovakia. We approached an expert on the EU, Jozef Bátora, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, who agreed to share his views on the topics which currently resonate in the European public, on the future of the European project, as well as the opportunity presented by Slovakia’s upcoming Presidency.
Current challenges facing businesses across Europe
For businesses, the main challenge is finding customers, whereas for governments it remains a fundamental revision of the regulatory framework.
Slovakia - honest broker or national interest defender?
The Presidency of the European Council, one of the main EU institutions, is held by a Member State according to the EU Treaties. The Treaties do not give any guidelines regarding how the Presidency should be conducted. Indeed, the word “presidency” is found in only two articles in the treaty texts.
Musical gems of the winter season
The concerts of the Kapos Agency showcase the very best Slovak and international singers and have enriched the live music scene in Bratislava with concerts at the highest level. We present an overview of upcoming concerts.
The AmCham Tax Committee
The AmCham Tax Committee represents the views and positions of AmCham member companies on tax-related issues. It strives to contribute regularly to the debate on tax-related topics with its members´ expertise, mainly by commenting on new legislation and providing recommendations through position papers. It is one of AmCham’s most active committees and over the years it has become a valuable expert partner of relevant public and private stakeholders.
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