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- The value of professional communication
- Reputation Economy: no hiding from the watchful eye of public scrutiny
- The social media battlefield
- The path to a successful company blog
- Beyond the numbers: why “doing good” makes a great business strategy
- For American businesses, November’s election focus should start with congress
- Stephen Boleslav Roman – the American Dream in Canada
Branding and Marketing
The value of professional communication
We are all well aware of the changes the marketing and communication industry has been going through lately. Social media gave the public an influential voice. With a little exaggeration you can say that these days pretty much anyone can become a journalist. This situation requires all companies to be always prepared to respond accordingly and in a timely manner to whatever event or opportunity that presents itself.
Reputation Economy: no hiding from the watchful eye of public scrutiny
Your organization’s reputation not only helps you to sell more but also to acquire and retain talent as well as gain allies or investors for your brand’s growth strategy. The same applies to Slovakia too – comparative research has shown that Slovaks are interested in business models, morals and ethics and the rate of social responsibility of companies they collaborate with. Moreover, social media enable Slovaks to share their opinions and attitudes. Subjective evaluation of companies and brands based on their reputation may have a significant impact on consumers’ behavior.
The social media battlefield
The rapid development of existing technologies and networks and the constant emergence of new ones enable online marketers to reach the target audience with new content types, while online communication is becoming more complex. Though nothing is for sure as regards the future, an analysis of current trends can help us predict what the future of (social media) marketing will look like.
The path to a successful company blog
Starting a successful and widely read company blog is not easy. Our
VISIBILITY blog is almost seven years old and we have tried many
techniques over that time with a view to increasing its quality and
popularity. We have selected the most successful strategies from our
experience for this article.
Beyond the numbers: why “doing good” makes a great business strategy
A company’s social reputation, in many cases overlooked in the past, has become one if its capital assets in the modern digital era. The expectations customers have surpass the traditional business model and require companies to rethink their strategies and to consider their social or environmental impact. This mind shift redefines the roles of the marketing and PR department. We talked to Lenka Surotchak, Director of Pontis Foundation, to what extent have these changes taken place also in the Slovak business environment.
For American businesses, November’s election focus should start with congress
In 2016, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is focused on six overriding priorities with the greatest potential to spur economic growth, create jobs, reform government, and preserve and defend American business and free enterprise. Among those is “Electing the Right Candidates,” and while much of the world focuses on the presidential election, the U.S. Chamber is working to elect pro-business candidates in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Stephen Boleslav Roman – the American Dream in Canada
In cooperation with the web portal osobnosti.sk, we created a special
section in Connection dedicated to introducing interesting personalities
of Slovak origin who moved to the United States and through their work
and passion made a name for themselves. Some of them are famous in
Slovakia as well, some of them are almost unknown. Osobnosti.sk aims to
promote Slovak personalities who have made a real impact in their field
and who have the potential to inspire many others.
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