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- Innovations with the greatest added value
- The arrival of artificial intelligence
- AI and doctors fighting diseases alongside
- Common recommendations for the healthcare system 2030
- New space for Slovak businesses
- Software robotization redefining white-collar industry
- The workplace of the future
- Fintech battlegrounds: Europe vs. the U.S.
- Transformative technologies and Slovakia’s path towards an innovative economy
- United States visa options for the Slovak entrepreneur, business or start- up
- The level of R&D matters!
- Science parks as ecosystems for efficient technology transfer and innovation
Innovations in the Digital Age
Innovations with the greatest added value
Digital transformation is an ongoing process. There is always a new
trend, new technology that brings something innovative and pushes the
boundaries of the IT world another step forward. Digital transformation
is the key to success for companies and can be best achieved through a
synchronization of the whole company, its processes, design thinking and
assertion of advanced and progressive technologies.
The arrival of artificial intelligence
Big data analytics and artificial intelligence are poised to revolutionize the field of healthcare in the coming years given the abundance of data and powerful algorithms.
AI and doctors fighting diseases alongside
Diagnosis of disease using deep learning algorithms holds enormous potential. In the last few years, many studies have proved that AI can identify illnesses as accurately as trained doctors, in some cases outperforming them.
Common recommendations for the healthcare system 2030
For many years, Slovakia has felt the need to make comprehensive changes in the healthcare sector that would lead to a sustainable and high-quality healthcare system. On the one hand, the Slovak healthcare system is facing a lack of finances, on the other hand, the current system is to some extent inefficient and resources are being wasted. In such an environment, groups with different interests oppose one another, resulting in a smaller chance of mutual understanding and agreement on major changes and prioritization.
New space for Slovak businesses
The 21st century is an era of dynamic growth and disruptive trends in the space sector. We are witnessing the creation of new markets within the space economy, based mostly on a wide range of new possibilities of satellite data and services utilization.
Software robotization redefining white-collar industry
The business world has always been in flux. In recent decades, the driving force behind this constant change has been technology improvements, the benefits of which have included allowing businesses to increase operational efficiency. Which brings us to a contemporary buzz-phrase: robotic process automation (RPA) – smart software robots capable of performing human tasks.
The workplace of the future
Innovative technologies are increasingly penetrating new industries, which opens up completely new possibilities and applications. Symbiosy, a project of HB Reavis, transforms the way we look at buildings and office spaces and offers new ways to make the working experience more productive as well as pleasant. Some of the basic concepts and ideas are introduced by Tomáš Meliško, Head of Symbiosy.
Fintech battlegrounds: Europe vs. the U.S.
If you asked a stranger on the street where they keep their money, the most common answer would most likely be a bank. That’s where you go to store your money and hopefully see it grow over time. But that is now changing all around the world.
Transformative technologies and Slovakia’s path towards an innovative economy
Accelerating innovation puts great demands on the private sector and its ability to adapt and to fully benefit from new technologies, as well as on political leadership striving to create an environment where innovative economy can flourish. We’ve decided to approach experts on the topic of innovation from the private as well as the public sphere, to find out which technology trends they perceive as most impactful for the near future and where do they see Slovakia’s advantages and shortcomings in the digital era.
United States visa options for the Slovak entrepreneur, business or start- up
There is a reason why the United States is known as the Land of Opportunity — it enjoys one of the most robust economies in the world and is a nation that rewards those that embrace opportunity with intellect, effort, and an entrepreneurial “can do” sprit. The United States owes much of its success to the stories of immigrants from all over the globe. Few countries offer as many opportunities for the immigrant entrepreneur as the United States’ culturally diverse and welcoming environment.
The level of R&D matters!
Research and development is the main driver of technological progress, new product development and rising productivity, which are necessary for stable and sustainable economic growth. Many studies have investigated the relationship between R&D expenditure and GDP growth. And the conclusion is always the same: the level of R&D matters!
Science parks as ecosystems for efficient technology transfer and innovation
Innovation is an important part of life; it is the engine of society’s development that can improve the quality of life. Support for innovative technologies and technology transfer in Slovakia is offered through science parks - established universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
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