AmCham Slovakia

Regional Development

Building resilience and seeking balance

(by Laura Dittel)

The events of the past year have significantly altered our standard ways of life and made us reconsider how we work. Things that we took for granted suddenly became hard to imagine. We are now learning how to live in the era marked by constant uncertainty and surprises. However, we have a unique opportunity to make the most of this new experience and turn it into a new vision for our future – to build upon the debris of a crisis that has claimed many victims but which, at the same time, has also brought new perspectives for the future.


(by Tibor Lorincz (TB))

One year ago, we discussed the regional economic gaps between Bratislava, Western and Eastern Slovakia. This may have seemed as if Bratislava was the land flowing with milk and honey, but this is certainly not the case. Today, we will look at what ails Bratislava and we will find one important issue where Bratislava significantly underperforms the rest of Slovakia.

Making the connections between work and life

(by Michal Hladký)

Success comes at a price. Business leaders face difficult decisions regarding demands on their time on daily basis. The responsibility towards their families and their employees makes them carefully consider each minute of their day. We want to know how they like to spend their time out of work, what inspires them and motivates them.

Košice 2.0

(by Michal Hladký)

Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an Initiative of the EU that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. The city of Košice, together with eight partners, are implementing one of eleven successful projects supported in the last call.

Emerging healthcare innovation cluster in Žilina region

(by Martin Veselý)

The upcoming decade will bring significant challenges but also opportunities for Slovakia in healthcare innovation. Slovak population has a very high incidence of cardiovascular diseases and cancers with a high mortality rate.  This puts enormous strain on the healthcare system in terms of workload and costs. The problem will be exacerbated with the aging population and lack of trained medical staff projected to be in the thousands in the next ten years. 

Highways do not solve every regional traffic problem

(by Radka Minarechová)

The previous management of the Transport Ministry failed to remedy many deficiencies. Observers hope the current one will fare better. The now proverbial highway could connect Bratislava and Košice as early as next year. It will not run through Slovakia, though.

Košice - a center of digital innovation

(by Štefan Lacko)

Software engineers who are looking for interesting projects don’t need to travel abroad. Interesting work has come to them, to Košice mainly. It’s a small Silicon Valley here. We call it the Košice IT Valley. People thus have a wide range of opportunities to participate in the development of global solutions, systems and applications for renowned foreign companies. 

Private and public sector cooperation bolsters innovative ecosystem in Košice

(by Lenka Adamová)

Innovlab startup center of Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia started its cooperation with the Technical University in Košice to support young and talented students and enhance their innovative potential. Thanks to this prosperous cooperation, the young generation can work on their ideas in the Startup center and Incubator of the University Science Park TECHNICOM (USP TECHNICOM).

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on culture

(by Zuzana Psotková, Barbara Denciová)

We will probably never forget March 6, 2020 and the first confirmed case of Covid-19 in Slovakia. It seems as if it were yesterday and at the same time as if it were an eternity.

Digital Innovation in the post-Covid world

(by Jayne Brady)

Jayne Brady, Belfast Digital Innovation Commissioner, explains why digital innovation has the potential to transform Northern Ireland’s economy, and outlines the region’s plans to realise this ambition.

Willingness to share as part of the success

(by Henrich Krejčí)

The environmental and social aspects of corporate governance and responsible corporate management, as well as the ability to share our companies’ success with society, shall be increasingly relevant in the near future. The responsibility associated with our business should be directly proportional to our market position, our legacy and our interest in future success. 

Joining forces to create a functional innovation ecosystem

(by Laura Dittel, Peter Kolesár, Juraj Sabol)

As the discussions at TownHall Košice clearly demonstrated, various stakeholders are currently joining forces to make an impactful change in the region of Eastern Slovakia in terms of establishing a functioning innovation ecosystem. Such an ecosystem should offer a long-term vision for the region and make it a more attractive place to live as well as to invest in.