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- The fight for innovation
- Don’t give up on a better world
- No one should stand aside…
- Europe under attack
- A maturing fintech community in Slovakia
- Human Brain-Scale AI Supercomputer
- Digitization of CEE countries in the EU
- The future of work is today
- Digitalization and key success factors
- Internet for modern education
- Work and life connections
- Follow the Threads in Cyber Threats
- Reskilling: the key for a successful career
- Working from home
- Tailor made offices
- Boosting the innovation ecosystem
- Success attracts more success
- How will MiCA affect us?
- Legal boundaries of AI in Life Sciences
- Decentralizing the data economy
Innovation in the Digital Age
The fight for innovation
We are at war. Yet, I am not talking about the biggest tragedy since the
Second World War that is happening in Ukraine, but about a war we will
be fighting at multiple fronts for decades to come: war against climate
change, war for talent, war to attract capital, war-like efforts
required to make our country globally competitive. A common denominator
of all these fronts could be described by a single word - innovation.
Don’t give up on a better world
In 2021 Mark Leonard, a leading authority on international relations, published a book with an ominous title The Age of Unpeace. Leonard claims that since the collapse of communism there has been a continuous push for breaking down trade barriers and integrating the world’s economy via improved transport and communication networks as well as the internet.
No one should stand aside…
As the war continues to rage in neighboring Ukraine, we talked to AmCham Ukraine President Andy Hunder about the role businesses can play and about AmCham Ukraine’s current mission and state of operations.
Europe under attack
The 24th of February 2022 is a date that will be engraved in our memories. For most, it was unthinkable that in the 21st century a sovereign country would face invasion by another one. And yet that is exactly what we have been seeing over the past month.
A maturing fintech community in Slovakia
The global financial sector is undergoing a significant transformation. The industry that was traditionally known as an oligopoly of just a few companies has been challenged by newcomers aiming to disrupt them. Regulators, especially in the EU, supported the sector’s transformation with new legislation that eases market entry barriers. Yet, bringing real innovation into the financial world remains a daunting challenge that very few can do alone.
Human Brain-Scale AI Supercomputer
Over the past few decades, we have seen a dramatically accelerated pace in the development and adoption of new technologies. It can be seen in the market with smartphones, smart TVs, computers, and cars. What do you think will be next?
Digitization of CEE countries in the EU
Following the years of financial crises 2007 - 2010, the last decade has truly been a decade of digital disruption. The transformative nature of this decade was ignited by several innovations that had a compounded impact on how we live, work, study and spend our free time.
The future of work is today
Globally, researchers agree hybrid work is an indisputable trend that is becoming a regular part of our lives - whether we want it to or not. At the same time, the last few years have shown that offices will continue to be part of our lives too. They play an important role in corporate culture, supporting businesses’ growth curves and reinforcing a strong sense of community.
Digitalization and key success factors
Digitalization and digital transformation are concepts that we encounter at every step. Concepts that have become part of today’s modern times, a trend, and an indicator of the latest technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), robotics are all well known.
Internet for modern education
Modern education goes hand in hand with the use of up-to-date learning methods that often employ modern technologies. Devices such as interactive dashboards, smart tablets and even online education in schools all depend on high quality internet connection.
Work and life connections
Success comes at a price. Business leaders face difficult decisions regarding demands on their time on daily basis. The responsibility towards their families and their employees makes them carefully consider each minute of their day. We want to know how they like to spend their time out of work, what inspires them and motivates them.
Follow the Threads in Cyber Threats
Advancements in the digital world are moving forward at an unprecedented rate—but are the industries aware of the threats that come with them? While industry leaders often claim their facilities and systems are well-protected, the sole realization that they could unknowingly become a digital aggressor’s next target often comes all too late.
Reskilling: the key for a successful career
If you want to get ready for your future you need to acquire new skills constantly because the labor market is developing and generating new positions. The Fourth Industrial Revolution plays an important role in this process. It is at the forefront of technology and requires new digital skills from people.
Working from home
Now that the pandemic is (hopefully) slowly approaching its end, we can look at a paradigm shift that took place while it raged: the rise of teleworking. Is it a big deal or just a minor nuisance?
Tailor made offices
The past two years have brought several unprecedented challenges and businesses were forced to adjust on the move. The sudden massive switch to working from home enabled many businesses to continue their operations even during the pandemic. It hasn’t been without consequences, though. Martin Neštepný, Head of Smart Workspace Design & Solutions, HB Reavis, explains some of the issues employers are currently dealing with.
Boosting the innovation ecosystem
Innovative and fast-growing companies (so-called scale ups) are the driving force of the economy of the 21st century. It is precisely scale ups with their innovative products and predatory growth that generate a significant percentage of jobs and increase the competitiveness of the national economy.
Success attracts more success
The Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) is a truly unique project in Slovakia. Its mission is to bridge the existing gap between business and academia by combining the best elements of these two worlds. In its short existence it has already managed to deliver tangible results and, above all, send a strong positive signal that a shared passion for excellence can connect the public and private sector to the benefit of both, as well as the entire Slovak economy. We have talked about KInIT’s mission and goals with its Director-General, Maria Bielikova.
How will MiCA affect us?
The European Commission is introducing regulation to unify fragmented national legislation in the field of cryptocurrencies. Slovakia ranks among the EU countries with the highest tax burden for cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, the number of Slovak entrepreneurs using cryptocurrencies is growing. We have already registered more than 150 subjects.
Legal boundaries of AI in Life Sciences
Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions have changed the pattern of healthcare and proved helpful in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. However, for the full benefits of AI to materialize, the novel technology must be combined with modern regulation. Governments must revolutionize legal and regulatory frameworks for companies developing AI tech. Issues such as ownership, data sharing, patentability, privacy protection, ethics and accountability must be urgently addressed.
Decentralizing the data economy
Nowadays, people are aware that huge amounts of personal data are stored by big players in the data economy such as Google and Facebook and that this fact poses a threat to their privacy. However, they do not fully understand the missed opportunities for more advanced services that could be provided if personal data was not locked and managed by individual companies.
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