AmCham Slovakia

New Legislation for Businesses

The following text presents a brief overview of legislative changes in the tax and payroll area which are most likely to influence your business. Experts from Crowe choose the most relevant legislation which has recently come to force or is likely to be adopted in the near future.

Increased limit for cash payments
As of July 1, 2023, new legislation entered into force that increases the limit for cash payments made by entrepreneurs from the original amount of 5,000 Euro to a new amount of 15,000 Euro. It unifies the amounts of cash payment restrictions for entrepreneurs (legal entities) and non-entrepreneurs, where this limit was different.

Provision of energy subsidies for the first three quarters of 2023
The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic continues to provide subsidies in connection with the increased prices of electricity and gas, in the second and third quarters until September 2023. The application must be submitted through the electronic mailbox separately for each month. The subsidy is provided in the amount of 80% of eligible costs up to a maximum of 200,000 Euro per month. The applicant must fulfill several conditions, after which it will be possible to provide the subsidy.

Cancellation of the obligation to provide the identification document number for beneficial owners with Slovak citizenship
An amendment is being prepared, which should eliminate the obligation to enter the identity document number for the beneficial owners - citizens of the Slovak Republic, which is currently mandatory when registering in the commercial register and also in the register of non-governmental organizations. In such cases, the birth number will be sufficient. The obligation to state the ID number should remain valid for foreigners who are the beneficial owners. The date of entry into force of this amendment is not yet known.

Framework Agreement on cross-border telework
From June 30, 2023, a simplification in the area of cross-border work enters into force. Workers teleworking from a residence abroad will not automatically find themselves subject to the social security system of their country of residence. EU institutions prepared a Framework Agreement which has already been signed by a few of the European countries including Slovakia. This creates a framework that waives the application of the social security of the country of residence, provided the worker teleworks there less than 50% of his/her working time. This means that the worker and the employer of a signatory State will be able to opt to maintain the liability to the social security of the country of the employer’s statutory seat, until telework from the residence of the worker concerned in another signatory State amounts to more than 50% of their working time.

Change of company data from June 1, 2023
In connection with the June 2023 changes to the court map (i.e. new seats and court districts), the registry court for companies that are registered in Bratislava will be the City Court Bratislava III. This change creates an obligation to indicate the designation of the City Court Bratislava III on company documents - e.g. business letters, or orders made in written and electronic form.

Doctor’s obligation to issue an electronic PN
On May 31, 2023, the trial period for issuing electronic form for incapacity for work (known as PN) ended. From June 1, 2023, doctors are obliged to issue PN only in electronic form. The system should be mandatory for general practitioners, medical facility doctors and gynecologists. Gradually, it will be mandatory for doctors of all clinics. From next year, the paper form of PN should not be used at all.

Increase in compensation for the use of road motor vehicles during a business trip
The Ministry of Labor has come up with a new proposal to increase compensation for the use of road motor vehicles during business trips, which entered into force from July 1, 2023. The increase is as follows:

  • single-wheeled vehicles and tricycles = 0.071 EUR/km,
  • passenger road motor vehicles = 0.252 EUR/km.

Abolishment of the concessionaire fees of RTVS
The concessionary fees for radio and television were canceled and no longer have to be paid from July 1, 2023. The purpose of the payment was to provide financial security of public services in the field of radio broadcasting and television broadcasting. Those companies that already paid the fee for the entire year, can apply for a refund. RTVS will be funded from the state budget. If your company has a direct payment set from your bank account, we recommend to terminate it.

The RTVS fees were also canceled for households.


This section was prepared by experts from Crowe Slovakia, their accounting, tax, audit, and payroll services can be found at:

Alena Lipovská, Country manager, Crowe Slovakia 

Katarina Durilová, Tax Consultant, Crowe Slovakia