AmCham Slovakia

Priorities of companies from the East

The business community in Slovakia’s East deals with issues with are specific for this region. Although this is true, these companies set their sights on the national level and have a vision of a business environment which is common to the entire business community in the country. We approached representatives of AmCham member companies with a strong presence in the East to offer their perspective on the future of Slovak economy or the priorities of the new government.


MARIÁN VAZUR, Plant Director, Garrett Motion Slovakia
To diversify the economy so that it does not depend on just a few sectors, which, in the event of a crisis, may pull GDP results significantly down. To attract science and research to Slovakia for higher value-added products, to offer global IT services so we can be perceived as the Silicon Valley of Central Europe. To offer solutions in the field of digitization and process automation. All of this will require a transformation of the education system, which must capture these trends in order to supply young talents to the labor market.

CARLOS GARRIDO PEDRAZ, CEO, Holcim EBS European Business Services
In my opinion, the priority should be to develop the future generation with the right mindset to think globally and act locally from early on. Use critical thinking and fact-based arguments to challenge the status quo in a positive and constructive way, while being generous and empathic to keep up the spirit of the nation.

Together we must diversify investments into new technologies, research & development and take good care of the beautiful nature and protect the resources of Slovakia towards a sustainable future.

MARTIN ADAMKA, Head of Marketing, Ness Slovakia

UPJS.png One of the key issues is to finally properly reform our education system. Children cannot be taught the same things and in the same way as ten or twenty years ago. It is a completely different world now. So is the labor market. You need people with completely different skills and we are unable to reflect those challenges in the education system.

For several years Ness Slovakia has been operating in the IT sector, which is permanently looking for tens, even hundreds of people on the labor market, which is extremely difficult. The second key issue is the support for startups and the development of innovative possibilities in companies. We cannot be a country that only receives innovations and products from abroad. We have to make those. That is why need to build the environment, technological background and set the mindset in the entire society. Estonia is a great example for us. It is a country that throws new young companies on the market, which are about to establish themselves regionally and globally. If I were to look for the future “European Spotify”, I would look for it in Estonia.


MAREK REŠOVSKÝ, Managing Director DTSE SK & CZ, Deutsche Telekom Services Europe Slovakia

Digitalization: With the growing importance of digitalization in today’s world, a new government in Slovakia may prioritize digital transformation across all sectors. This could include investing in digital infrastructure, promoting the development of digital skills, and creating a regulatory framework that supports digital innovation.

Efficiency: A new government may prioritize improving efficiency in the public sector by simplifying administrative procedures, streamlining decision-making processes, and ensuring greater transparency and accountability.

Education: Slovakia’s education system has been facing a number of challenges in recent years, including low funding, unequal access to education, and low levels of student performance. A new government may prioritize improving the quality of education by increasing funding, addressing inequalities, promoting digital literacy, and improving teacher training and support.

ANDREAS TRULS, Managing Director, Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia; Deutsche Telekom It & Telecommunications Slovakia
As an expat, I often observe what I would call “the glass is half empty attitude” despite the fact that Slovakia has made significant progress in becoming a modern economy. Nevertheless, the country still faces challenges that need to be addressed.

Firstly, we can prioritize policies that create a conducive environment for innovation, research, development, and entrepreneurship to provide more opportunities for talented individuals in their home country. Regarding the education system and the lack of experts, we should focus on developing the skills required by the labor market and invest in teachers, training, and support.

In addition, there is still much to be done in addressing the issues such as air pollution, waste management, and climate change. We should prioritize policies that reduce carbon emissions, increase investment in sustainable infrastructure, and strengthen environmental regulations.

JURAJ SABOL, General Manager for Strategy, U. S. Steel Košice s.r.o.

  1. Education – developing talent for the new era of AI enabled work
  2. Business environment – supporting businesses at least as much as other European countries, for example in the area of energy tariffs
  3. Innovation – supporting innovation and innovation ecosystems