AmCham Slovakia

Making things easy

In his Utopia for Realists, R. Bregman states: “In the twenty-first century, the real elite are those born not in the right family or the right class but in the right country.” As a Slovak Easterner, I have felt the truth of this thesis firsthand. I found that although I would have loved to get into the practice of my graduate field, after years of experience teaching, interning, and implementing security projects, I was faced with the fact that my candidate profile only fit the job market in Bratislava. All the ministries, institutions, and NGOs looking for an international relations graduate were located there. 

I am glad that my desire to put my skills to use here in the East did not leave me and forced me to keep looking for more opportunities and brought me all the way to AmCham.  For me, the AmCham office in Košice is a sign that they care about Slovakia. Currently, I am standing on the threshold of my career in AmCham, asking myself what exactly do I want to do for my region, for my country and how do I want to contribute to its development?

In 2004 Slovakia decided to follow the path of development, democracy, and prosperity. We decided to join our partners in Western Europe and be part of a big family connected by the values of Western civilization - freedom, equality, democracy, market economy, justice, tolerance, respect, mutual respect, understanding...

Snímka obrazovky 2022-06-30 151122.png The crises of the past few years have brought great challenges to us millennials, growing up in the golden age of admiration for Western culture in Slovakia. Slovakia seems to have forgotten how much it wanted to be part of the Western world and how proud it was when it achieved this goal. I was surprised to discover that doubts about the correctness of Slovakia’s direction are often concentrated in the eastern half of Slovakia.

I will help myself with another quote from Bregman, who writes: “It is easy to make things hard, but hard to make them easy.” I am therefore faced with a challenge of finding a way of demonstrating that it is precisely the so-called invisible hand of the market that enables us to grow and prosper as a country. However, even the hand of the market is not so powerful that it can do everything on its own. So, the word that will continue to be the watchword for success and prosperity in the East will be COOPERATION. At AmCham, we will continue our activities focusing on connecting the main actors of the 3ple helix model (local government, academia, business sector). I believe that with the help of our members in the East we will contribute to a more beautiful, better, and innovative tomorrow.

Katarína Miňová, Policy Manager / Košice, AmCham Slovakia