AmCham Slovakia

Linking education with practice is a must!

Letter to members by Štefan Chudoba, State Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

The knowledge-based society has been one of the long-standing essential starting points for the Slovak economy. Because of this, it is increasingly important that businesses employ skilled, educated employees. However, an employee who is a university graduate but possesses merely academic knowledge is not enough. It is important that graduates bring value to the company as soon as they begin their first job. This requires an intensification of the links between business and academia. This is also one of the reasons why the Government of the Slovak Republic has committed to “…promoting the development of an educational system directly linked with practice, with a focus on social and technological modernization.“

The knowledge-based society has been one of the long-standing essential starting points for the Slovak economy. Because of this, it is increasingly important that businesses employ skilled, educated employees. However, an employee who is a university graduate but possesses merely academic knowledge is not enough. It is important that graduates bring value to the company as soon as they begin their first job. This requires an intensification of the links between business and academia. This is also one of the reasons why the Government of the Slovak Republic has committed to “…promoting the development of an educational system directly linked with practice, with a focus on social and technological modernization.“